Bound to Serve 

Ringing in a New Year of slavery

A slave sits in its living room in front of a laptop showing Bound to Serve training program

Master wants you to rewire your brain for deepening slavery all year long

Complete the old year and prepare for the new in these three December slave training sessions.

Head into 2025 with a clear vision for a year of deepening slavery.

Go from stressed, scattered or uncertain to confident, focused, and headed right where Master wants you: more completely enslaved and obedient to Master's Will.

Face it slave, you've been too free this last year

you need less control and more constraint. More submission. Deeper service. It's time to build the cage you'll live in for all of next year (and beyond).

For slaves, the only way to find the freedom of slavery is to submit to Master's inescapable captivity. To accept that you have no choice but to serve.

Imagine yourself on New Year's eve feeling really good about 2024… grateful for all of your slave training lessons & efforts…

…and looking forward to 2025 and training yourself for Master for the next 12 months. 

But going deeper, underneath that, imagine…

  • deeply feeling the interlinked connection between the previous year and the next
  • being able to clearly see & feel the way last year's slave training leads inevitably into the next year's deeper service
  • knowing each year of training is another link in the chain that binds you to Master
  • feeling more awake to your dreams of slavery, ready to go even deeper for Master now.

Sound good, slave?

Getting through the end of the year can be stressful and disorienting

All of the overwhelm can sometimes overshadow the entire last year, making it feel like less than it was. This doesn't set you up to start the New Year strong for Master.

This time of year is an invitation for you to spiral deeper into slavery for Master

  • 2024 marks one revolution of the Earth around the sun.
  • In the same way, you made one revolution around the collar of slavery.
  • 2024 was another link in the chain that binds you to Master.
  • 2025 will be the next link in that chain, binding you deeper.

In Bound to Serve, it's time to clear the fog and wake up to your dreams of slavery 

We do this by training your brain to make the link between past and future explicit and intentional.

So that everything lines up in your brain (and your life) into a clear path, pointing you the right way forward: Master's way.

That means deeper down the rabbit hole, deeper into slavery, lowering yourself for Master, showing up for service as He sees fit.

How will this training work?

It's really easy to join Bound to Serve 

First, you'll sign up for Bound to Serve (instructions below)

Training modules will open starting Saturday December 14th and ending Saturday December 28th.

For each module you have the option to either:

a) Attend live on Zoom, or

b) Listen to the training recordings.

Recordings will be posted on the GsA site shortly after each session is conducted. An email announcement will go out when a recording is posted and available.

Training will remain accessible until January 15th. 

you'll keep copies of your exercise journaling and 2025 training intentions for review throughout the year.

Update & reboot your brain for Master

Session 1
outcomes include:

  • A deeper sense of just how deep the rabbit hole really goes and your place in it
  • Taking Our new Total Service Inventory – so you and Master have an accurate view of 2024
  • Completion around 2024 – so that you submit to what was

Session 2 
outcomes include:

  • Connecting with the present as the inflection point between past and future — so that you submit to what is

Session 3 
outcomes include:

  • Obeying what slavery demands of you (keeping your eye on the prize)
  • Planting the seeds of next year's service and training
  • Opening to the coming year — so that you submit to what will be

In this training
you will:

  • Build the wider field of slavery with your slave brothers, situating your own journey within the power of O/our community
  • Harvest the gifts of past, present, and future
  • Link up your past year of slave training with your next – so that your submission deepens continuously

Who is Bound to Serve best for?

Icon of a plant growing

Bound to Serve is designed for slaves that have a strong need to serve, as well as the time, resources, and eagerness to invest in making 2025 the next best year of their slavery. 

Icon of a collar with a padlock

Bound to Serve is great for both owned and unowned slaves. 

Icon of a seal with two supportive hands

Bound to Serve is not part of the main GsA training track, which is still under development. sT1 is the next main training currently in development. 

Bound to Serve is a premium training that helps keep the GsA bills paid while We continue to build out the Academy. If you enjoy the free and low cost GsA offerings, send some gratitude to your brothers who support GsA by participating in these premium trainings. 

Who is Bound to Serve NOT a good fit for?

🟡 slaves that don't have the time & energy for more slave training

This training is for slaves that are ready and willing to put in the time and work for Master. If that's not you right now, wait until it is. For now, focus on making more space and time in your life for slave training.

🟡 slaves that want to stay disconnected or aren't willing to diligently do your regular slave training

This training is for slaves that are serious about training to serve Master. There's no point to doing a training designed to set you up for an entire year of slave training if you're not going to stay connected to slave training.

slave training is about balancing your life so that service to Master occupies the proper place it deserves in both your mindset and behaviors. 

Any doubts, conflict of values, or pessimism are opportunities to deepen slavery... but you have to choose to submit to training through these challenges...

…otherwise such opportunities just become excuses for disengagement, which does NOT serve Master.

🟡 slaves that aren't willing to listen to the recordings when you can't attend live

Most GsA training is recorded. Live training is a BONUS, not a requirement.

The scheduled times might not work for your timezone, or life will happen and you'll be unable to attend sometimes.

In these cases it's important that you listen to the recordings and do the training on your own. We're always here to answer questions or help you out. 

It doesn't serve Master to decline slave training just because you can't make it live. 

If you want to serve, say "Yes Sir" to slave training any way you can get it.

Training Schedule

Training Session 1

Sat, Dec 14th, 2:30–4:30pm PT (2 hrs)
(click to convert to your timezone)

Recording posted to the main site shortly after

Training Session 2

Sat, Dec 21st, 2:30–3:30pm PT (1hr)
(click to convert to your timezone)

Recording posted to the main site shortly after

Training Session 3

Sat, Dec 28th, 2:30–4:30pm PT (2 hrs)
(click to convert to your timezone)

Recording posted to the main site shortly after


What if i don't want to spend more money on slave training right now?

Great, you don't have to. These monthly training options are not necessary for completing the main GsA slave training program. The monthly groups are there to provide extra support for those slaves that want it. 

Do i have to use The Forums to join?

No, you only need to join the Forums if you plan to attend the live trainings. 

Training recordings will be posted to the course on this website shortly after each live training.

Can i join the live trainings if i don't want anyone to see or hear me on Zoom?

Yes, you can still join the live trainings. 

Although many slaves are comfortable being on video with Master and their slave brothers, you're welcome to leave your video off. you can also put comments in chat rather than speaking on voice.

If you do leave your video on, the only ones who will see it are live attendees. We only record audio, so your video will not be recorded.

Sign up for Bound to Serve now
Get ready for your next year of slavery to Master!

$165.00 for everything in Bound to Serve

Sign up now to get:

  • All 3 training modules, as scheduled
  • Our new Total Service Inventory
  • Planting the seeds of your service in 2025 and beyond
  • Plus any other surprises Master has in store for you…

If you're on the fence or not sure, you can always contact Us with any questions.

But if you're trying to decide whether or not to sign up, We suggest you practice just letting Master make the decisions and say "Yes Sir!" 

After all, Master deserves your best efforts, so say "Yes Sir" to every slave training opportunity you can.

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